Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trail of Hope - Nauvoo Pageant

Well, its been awhile.  The weeks fly by here now.  This morning I went down to the Trail of Hope where the saints lined up with their wagons and teams, waiting their turn to cross the Mississippi River to begin the westward trek.  The Nauvoo Pageant actors take the parts of some of the saints represented on the reader boards that have journal entries of some of the people as they left Nauvoo.  One of them said that the saints left most everything behind them in Nauvoo; their homes, fields and many of their belongings; the work of 7 years.  But what they took with them was their testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world and their knowledge that His church has been restored to the earth through a living prophet.  That knowledge allowed them to leave with peace in their hearts, knowing that the Savior cared for them individually, was aware of them and would guide and direct them.  One of the brethren said that that knowledge is what will sustain us on our own Trails of Hope.  I left with a feeling of peace and of being loved by my Savior and my Heavenly Father; a witness from the Holy Ghost that those things are as true in our lives today as they were in the lives of the Latter=day Saints in 1846 as they left Nauvoo.  Love you all.  Mom 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Things are Hoppin' Around Here!

It has been hard to get  to an update.  things are really busy now that the Pageant has started and thousands of people are showing up.  It is quite amazing to see the Pageant and all that goes with it.  We went the other night and were amazed at the production; but, more amazed at the gospel message that it conveys.  It bears an amazing testimony to the world of this work. 
I have been called as a couselor in the mission presidency and that has definately chnged the comlextion of the mission for me.  Mom gets more time in the sites, which she likes.  I am now doing mostly administrative things now and fussing with mission details. Have a lot of sickness int he mission right now and have been visiting missionaries, some in the hospital.  I still do the shows and play my banjo, but haven't been in the sites.  I probably will get one day a week inthe sites once I get my feet on the ground.  The call came as a surprise, of course; but when your out here, you do whatever the Lord needs done. 
Love all you guys,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunset By the Mississippi

We are in the full blown show mode now.  Here are some pictures of Sunset by the Mississippi.  we do this several nights a week in addition to Rendevous in Old Nauvoo.  I get a chance to play banjo with some of the other casts on some nights.  Last night the young single sister missionaries put on a socialble focused on the Savior.  Iit was musical and they did a great job.  I wish you grandkids (and all you others ) could have seen it.  It was amazing.  It is things like this that make you realiize how great the young fokls tday are and how they were saved to come forth in this time.  We're off to rendevous tonight as Peter and Abigail. 
Love ya'all


Monday, June 13, 2011

The Work Goes On

Well, things have really gotten busy here in Nauvoo.  Lots of youth groups coming for youth conferences.  We had a group here from Joplin, Mo where the tornado hit.  Their stake center had been completely distroyed as had many of their homes.  I talked with one of the leaders who had lost her home and the home she grew up in. They were a good group and indicated that what they had been through gave them some sense of what it was like to loose things you have worked hard for.  They have a better feel for what the Saints went through here. 

A couple of nights ago we had a major thunderstorm like you can only have in the mid-west.  It was a spectacular site to see. It hit while we were in the second show of Rendevous and lasted all night. After we finished the show, Mom and I went outside of town a couple of miles to get out of the lights to watch and what a show we had!  I have attached a couple of pictures of our wild friends that we have around here.  In addition, we had a fawn born in our backyard!  The mother doe has now taken it into the woods across the street but it was in the yard for about a week. The temple picture is just one I like.  The temple can be seen from everywhere in Nauvoo and I like to photograph it.
It's prep day today and we are catching up.  I cut the lawn and Mom has done house cleaning.  We have two performances of Rendevous tonight.
Love ya all

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sunset By the Mississippi

We did our first Sunset show the other night.  It was fun.  Afterward we saw what a real sunset over the Mississippi can be like thought we would share it with you.  The evenings are so beautiful here!  It makes you understand why the Saints loved this place.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Crossings

It was our preparation day yesterday and we went to Keosaugwa, Iowa.  There at Ely Ford is where the Saints crossed the Des Moines River as they journeyed west.  A couple of nights ago we had the night off and went to Montrose where the Saints crossed the Mississippi when they left Nauvoo.  It is a most impressive and humbling site to look back and see the temple and Nauvoo and realize that this was the view they had on that cold February day in 1846 and for several days, and for some weeks before they left for Winter Quarters.  One can only imagine how difficult it must have been for them in so many ways.  It is even more humbling for us when we realize that our ancestors were there among them going through this most difficult trial.  Whenever any of us think we have it tough, just take a minute and remember them, their commitment to the Gospel and their faith.  It is a great example to all of us and a great inspiration to me personally. 
It is our first actual performance of sunset by the Mississippi tonight we'll let everybody know how it goes.
Love ya all!

P.S. The car is just for fun.  A couple was traveling in it and we met up with them in Bentenson, Iowa.  Neat car!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Saturday, again

Hard to believe it's Saturday again!  The weeks just fly by here.  The summer schedule has started and Dad and I serve at the Visitor Center on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and every other Sunday.  We go at 7:15 a.m. and are through at 1:30 p.m.  Then we have 5 hours before we have to be to Rendezvous.  We hardly know what to do with ourselves.  We're not used to having a block of time like that.  I think I'll go to the Family History Center at the Stake Center on Tues or Thurs afternoons and see if I can identify some more relatives that lived in Nauvoo.  Then I can take their names to the Land and Records Center here in Nauvoo and get what infor they have on them, i.e. diaries, journal entries, property records, etc.  We had over 600 people in the Visitor Center today by the time we left at 1:30.  We have two shows of Rendezvous tonight and they are both full houses.  The Nauvoo Brass Band started playing in Nauvoo today.  They put them on a wagon pulled by two huge horses, (persherons or belgians, I'm not sure which) and they travel through Navuvoo, putting on mini-concerts and pre-arranged stops both in Historic Nauvoo and in the town of Nauvoo.  They are all Young Band Missionaries and are so talented.  The Young Performing Missionaries started their daytime performances today also; Just Plain Anna Amanda and High Hopes and Riverboats.  This place will hop from now on.  Hope we can last!  We hope you all are well.  We pray for you everyday and are so proud of the good people you are and all you are doing to support us.  We love you!  Mom and Dad

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fire Flies

The evenings around here are beautiful!  We began seeing fire flies night before last.  Kind of fun since we don't have those in Utah.  We bought a new camera and have been taking some pictures in the evenings after the shows are over.  There is so much to photograph around here we felt we needed to get some pictures to document our mission.  It is relaxing after very long days to watch the sun go down and capture some of the beauty of the river in the evenings.  We have one rehearsal left for Sunset and the show is coming together.  People have been attending the rehearsals.  Lots of folks are wanting to see the show.  It is amazing how the Sirit influences the performances and the people that both perform and watch them. these young performers are amazingly talented.  Us old folks do o.k. too.  We start our summer schedule today and have to have the Visitor Center open at 7:30 a.m.  We find that the days are long, but the weeks go by so fast.  Busy times.  Lots of folks and lots of opportunity to bear testimony in both the sites and the shows.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playin' Outside

We started rehearsal on the outdoor stage night beofre last.  I have never seen so many people on one stage at opne time in my life!  It is quite a show!  these young performing missionaries are really talented and full of life!  They bring some real energy to the stage.  We did two show of Renedevous last night and it appears that that is the way it will be  form now on.  Lost of people starting to come to Nauvoo and lots of tour buses. The schools are having field trips here right now, but that will end soon as school will be out.  We are asked not to bear testimony to the school children, jut give them history and many a "life lesson".  You get used to bearing testimony of the savior so it is hard when you can't.  these kids feel the spirit of this place even at that.  we're off the visitors center this mornng, got to run.

Love ya all!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Special Day

Yesterday was our preparation day.   It gave us the opportunity to go to the temple where I was able to do the temple work for my cousin Jeff.  It was a special experience for me as Jeff and I grew up like brothers.  I thank my cousins Judy and Nancy and their families for giving me the priviledge of doing Jeff's work for him.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Here's the Proof

Here are a few pictures that our friends the Gregories took while here on thier visit.  as you can see, we are really here and working in the visitor center and in rendevous in Old Nauvoo.  We are serving at the visitor center 3 days\/ week as assistant site leaders.  the young single sister missionaries are here now and we serve with them each day.  They bring a delightful addition to the mission with thier enthusiasm.  the young perfroming missionaries arrived toda, so on with the show!  We are rehearsing a lot and it is really quite fun, tiring, but fun.  Our preparation group was in charge of the farewell breakfast for the missionaries going home and we're gald that is over.  The site leader and assistant site leader end up taking on the breakfast  But it's done and now we can move on to the next thing.  We are rehearsing for a sociable to be presented by the mission choir, which we sing in.  I am also going to play a couple of guitar numbers so I am trying to get them ready.  Playing a banjo solo in Sunset by the Mississippi so will be doing that two nights a week for the summer.  Just me and the banjo and nobody or nothing else.  should be interesting?  Playing a harmonica solo also and I haven't played harmonica for at least 30 years, it will definitely be interesting.  Lots to learn!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friends from Home

Rhea and Ted Gregory from our ward in Plain City have been here in Nauvoo the last two days.  It was great to have people here from home.  They came to Rendezvous last night and visited us at our sites today.  They came to our Sunset Practice tonight and then we went to dinner.  They are serving an inner city mission in Ogden in the Daily Dose program, teaching Spanish Speaking people English.  They serve four days a week, about 10 hours a day going to people's homes and teaching them a series of 48 conversational English lessons.  They love the people they work with and are so committed to them.  They are awesome people.  We love them.  Still raining here.  The Mississippi is over its banks, but no flooding in Nauvoo, yet.  Areas to the south of us are dealing with flooding though.  The forecast looks better after today.  Friday I get to work the garden schedule, planting flowers from the greenhouse into pots that will line the streets of Old Nauvoo.  The sun is supposed to shine and the temps should be in the 60's.  Awesome!  Well, got to sign off and go to bed.  Have to be at a practice for a sociable that we're singing at in May at 7:45 a.m. in the morning.  These are long days, but the time is going so fast.  It seems like it was just the first of April a few days ago.  We love you all.  Mom

Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy Times

We have a a really busy two weeks.  Played Peter and Abigail again Tuesday night.  Have had rehearsals all week for Sunset.  things are getting really busy as the crowds increase and they push to get ready for the shows.  the single sister missionaries came last week and are involved with us in giving tours.  there are twenty of them and they are full of energy!  We have 20 more senior couples coming in today.  Lots of folks but lots to do.  raining really hard today so have to drive.  Will miss walking to our sites., that is how we get or exercise.  No toime ohterwise.  Mom is at the John taylor home today and I'm off to the blacksmith shop.  Served in Carthage last Sunday.  That is always a spiritual experience!  got to run.
Love Ya'll.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Brigham Cast

Here's a picture of the Brigham Cast at our cast party on Saturday night.  We spend a lot of time with these folks and it is like one big family.  Mom and I are in the middle at the back in front of the tree.
Our cast performs again tomorrow night

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What A Beautiful Day

It is spring in the Midwest.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a lovelier day!  Temperature was 82 degrees.  The magnolia trees are absolutely remarkable.  The blooms are as big as dinner plates and the fragrance is heavenly.  We had a cast party this evening in the Pioneer Pastimes Park here in Old Nauvoo.  Afterwards Dad and I took a drive along the Mississippi with the windows down and took pictures of the sunset.  The robins are singing outside the back door now that the sun has gone down. Beautiful, beautiful day.  I wish you all could be here right now.  Here are some pictures of the trees and the sunsets.  Love ya.  Mom

Peter and Abigail Make Their Debute

Well, we played our lead parts of Peter and Abigail in rendevous for the first time last night.  It was actually fun.  we had a full house and the audience was really into the show which made it easier.  the other missionaries in our cast were so supportive and helpful.  this is a special show with a special message about the book of Mormon and it is a privilege to a part of it.  We had a really good time.  Spring is coming and the magnolia trees in our yard are in full bloom.  lots of birds around including cardinals!  Everything iis turning green and it is really getting beautiful.  We serve at the visitors center to day.  we are going to sing a duet in sacrament meeting tomorrow and begin learning some new music for a sociable on Monday.  it is really busy, but a delighful experience with delightful people.  Seem like everyday is full of music which I really like adn we get to bear testimony with every tour we lead.  what a great experience!  Gotta run, more later.
Love ya'all

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Carthage Jail

Poppa and I served at the Carthage Jail yesterday.  This is the jail where Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were martyred.  There is a visitors center where a short video is shown about Joseph's life up until the time he left Nauvoo to go to Carthage to answer an unfounded charge of treason against the United States.  After that we take visitors into the jail itself, where the jailer, George Stigal, lived with his wife and seven children.  They are able to tour the summer kitchen, dining room, main kitchen, dungeon cell where Jospeh and the others were originally held until it became too hot, the debtors cell on the ground floor where Mr. Stigall put them next, and finally the Stigall's own bedroom on the second floor where he put them when he became alarmed for their safety below.  Mr. Stigall was out on an errand when the mob storned the jail.  We play a tape in the martyrdom room that describes what happened when the mob came up the stairs and fired through the door, killing Hyrum, wounding John Taylor and finally killing Joseph.  Ironically it is one of the most peaceful places I can think of.  A place where a prophet of God finished the work that was given him to do and then stepped through the portal with his brother and into the presence of the Savior.  What a privilege to take visitors there, bear our testimonies and feel the Spirit that is there. 

Tonight we had a midwest thunderstorm.  Amazing!  The enitre sky lights up.  Its like daylight and its almost continuous.  The thunder is continuous.  A rumble that just goes on and on, rolling across the landscape until its finally out of hearing.  Temperature in the 80's today.  Tomorrow the high is supposed to be in the 40's.  Our Prep day, of course.  Oh well.  Better luck next week maybe.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day of Firsts

Yesterday  was a day of firsts for us.  We served for the first time as assistant site leadres in the Nauvoo visitors center.  We actually go the building opened and closed and managed to get the movies started and the guests where the needed to be and got the building closed and the building is still standing so I guess it all worked.  we also went on stage in Rendevous for the first time last night.  It was kind of fun.  we sere a part of the chorus and didn't have any idea where we sere to go or stand, but the other missionaries took us in hand and pointed out where we should go.  that is the great thing about this place, everybody is so supportive of every body else.  we're all in this together and so every body helps and it all gets done.  They have moved up our debute as Peter and Abigail to April 12, so we are working really hard to get the prt down.  Been practicing witht he director in the Cultural Hall stage.  still rough but we're getting there.  Mom is off to the Wilford Woodruff Home this morning and I'm going to the Print shop.  More later.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Here We Go!

We just returned from our first rehearsal for our parts of Peter and Abigail in Rendevous In Old Nauvoo.  we'll get it, but we have a ways to go.  We were told today to plan on playing that part begining on the 17th of April.  That only gives us a couple of weeks and we haven't even been on stage yet as a part of the cast!  a lot to learn!  Looks like we will go on as a part of the big cast on Tuesday of this week, unless somenthing changes.  We think we know the songs, We'll see.  They called us to be the assistant site leaders for the Nauvoo Visitors Center.  We will be going over in the morning to learn about our duties and then we start serving on Tuesday.  We'll be the ones in charge on the days we serve there and that is a scary thought, since we have only served there one day!  The other couple that will be there with us on Tuesday has never served in the visitor center.  Talk about the blind leading the blind!  It'll work out, however, because things have a way of doing that around here.  I think the Lord must have a special love for this place because the Spirit is here in everything that goes on.  What a great experience!  Our prep day has been changed to Monday and so we'll spend tomorrow trying to get oriented to the visitor center and then take the rest of the prep day and do some exploring in the country side.  We have come to love the Illinois and Iowa country side.  It is understandable why the Saints loved this place.  There is a sociable this evening and a fellow is going to talk about Joseph Smith and the Ancient Prophets.  should be interesting.  Mom got her show dress this week and she looks like the most beautiful 1840's lady you ever saw(the short hair adds an interesting 2011 touch).  Now we have all of our show clothes, there is no excuse not to get on with it.  So..... on with the show.
Well, we're off to the sociable.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Relief Society Organization Commemoration at the Red Brick Store

On March 17th the Sisters of the Nauvoo Visitor Center Mission re-enacted the organization of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo.  If you look on the top row, you will see Joseph Smith, Emma, Willard Richards and John Taylor. The upper floor of the Red Brick Store is the actual site where the organization took place.  We boarded horse drawn carriages at the Visitor Center and were taken back there by the same mode after the re-enactment.  The horses are Persherons and Belgian Draft horses.  They are HUGE.  Lots goin on here.  Today I served in Lands and Records where visitors can look up their ancestors who lived in Nauvoo and find where they lived, if they owned or rented property and also get a disc containing family group sheets, histories, whatever Nauvoo Lands and Records has about them.  If any of you have someone you want me to look up, let me know.  Poppa was in the blacksmith shop giving a horseshoe making demonstration and bestowing prairie diamond rings.  Its only in the 40's here to day.  Yesterday, it was 78.  Well, thats Spring in Nauvoo.  Love ya, Gramma Jann

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lots of Talented Folks=Lots of Fun

We had the mission talent show night before last.  There are a lot of talented folks here!  We had the auditorium in the visitor's center full with missionaries and visitors.  It was a lot of fun!  People did all kinds of different things and it is interesting to see how different people's talents are.  Mom and I sang, I played the guitar and the banjo.  The "Bluegrass Band" played for folks at the beginning in an  introduction to the show.  It is far from a real bluegrass band, but it is really fun to play with these folks.  They do everything from bluegrass to folk to old time to whatever.  The Elders do most of the playing and the sisters do a lot of singing.  It has been a lot of fun to just get together with all of them and play.  It will never win any awards but it is an experience that I will never forget and will cherish just because of the association.  Our cast has been practicing for Sunset and you would love to see Mom and I dancing in the show.  No laughing!  You just have to let yourself go and get into it and it actually can be fun!  The thing about it is that people will come from all over the country and other places to see it, so they deserve to have the best show they can get and above all remember their time in Nauvoo and the feelings they have when they are here.  We want to make sure we add to that enjoyment.  So, dance away!  We're together at the Nauvoo Visitor Center today.  First time we have served together.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

What day is it?

Yesterday I had a split schedule:  9:00 to 11:30 and 2:30 to 5:00 at the log schoolhouse.  When I came back to the house, I turned on the radio and "Wait, wait don't tell me" was on.  I thought, Whoa it's Saturday.  There is really nothing here to differentiate the days except for "P" day and Sundays.  You just look at the calendar before you go to bed and then again in the morning because you've slept and can't remember what you looked at the night before; fix yourself a lunch and off you go.  There's a joke around here amongst us old-timers that if you've slept since you knew something, ;you don't know it anymore and its pretty much true.  We went to dinner in Hamilton and the Mexican Restaurant on Friday with two couples from the Bluegrass Band, and we're going to Burlington (about and hour away) on Tuesday with two other couples who have the same "P" day as ourselves.  We're beginning to know a few people besides the missionaries we came out with and that's a good feeling.  Everyone here is really great to include you.  We had our first district meeting tonight.  We all brought something for a taco dinner, discussed answers to some commonly asked questions at the sites and visited together.  My favorite site so far is the print shop.  There is a typesetters table with type and typesetter tools on it that visitors can pick up and examine and a press that the children can ink the type with a dauber (minus the ink) and then crank the paper in and "press" the platen down onto the paper.  Its a lot of fun and they really like it.  Our challenge in each site is to build a bridge between the historical information we give them and a gospel principle that we can testify of.  For instance, in the wainwright shop (wagon builder), the brethren talk about how the hub is the center of the wheel that holds the spokes and the rim of the wheel and he likens that to Jesus Christ being the center of our lives.  We also encourage visitors to fill out a comment card and think of someone in their family or friends who might be receptive to learning more about the gospel and put their name on the card.  There is a call center here in the visitor center that contacts these referrals and asks them if they would like to have missionaries stop by and bring them a DVD or a Book of Mormon or a Bible.  Then the person has an opportunity to say yes or no.  This is a huge learning experience, but you feel support from everyone and also from the Lord.  You do the best you can and He fills in the cracks.  We hope ;you are all well.  Spring is coming here.  It was 78 degrees here to day and there are birds everywhere.  We miss you all and love you.  Grandma Jann 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hard At Work

Things are beginning to get really busy here.  We have a lot of people coming right now because it is spring break in various parts of the country.  Yesterday, I was at the Blacksmith Shop and Jann was at the Post Office. Both were busy all day with tours going constantly.  It makes it really enjoyable tomeet all these folks from all over the country.  Lots of fun, but a lot of hard work.  I am getting better at making horseshoes, but pitty any horse that would have to wear there.  we have been practicing our parts of Abigail and Peter for Rendevous.  We practice as we take our walk in the mornings.  I'm sure that if people heard us they would think we are nuts, but we're getting the part learned.  Went to the temple yesterday last evening with the rest of our cast.  Enjoyable evening with ice cream at Dotty's Cafe afterwards.  Had a rehearsal fro the talent show yesterday.  the show is Monday night and I am playing with the "Bluegrass Band ", and doing solo number on the guitar and also on the banjo.  they asked me to play th eharmonica solo in Sunset.  i haven;t played the harmonica for at least 30 years, but went over to the little music store in Keokuk and bought one and have been practicing.  The old technique is coming back.  It is amazing here, it seems that you put in to proactice everything that you have learned all your life.  The amazing part about it is that the Lord helps you so much.  things that you haven't done for years come really easily and it all just seems to come together, if you're willling to work hard and do your part.  we feel really blessed and are having a great time with all of this.  Today Mom is at the :Lucy Mack smith home and I am at the Brickyard.  these are new assignments as of this morning.  some mornings they call a reassign you with just a few minutes notice.  You just have to stay flexible and make sure you have your script notes always at the ready.  Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary-43 years.  we are going to spent it at the family living center and the log school sites and then in rehearsal for the talent show.  Not too exciting, huh?  but, the work goes on.  May try to get to dinner on our "P" day next week.  we had a general authority here this past week as a part of the annual mission training.  It was Elder Perhson of the Seventy who also spoke to us in the MTC.  More training scheduled for this weekend and dsitrict meeting also.  As a mission, we like to meet a lot.  Well, I'm off to "hack" bricks.  More later.

Friday, March 11, 2011

tender mercies

Yesterday Dad and I met with our mission president, President Ludwig.  He meets with all the new m issionaries after they've been here 10 days or so to make sure you're not ready to jump ship, I think.  He is such a kind and loving man.  He asked all about our children and their spouses and our grandchildren and how they were doing.  We told him about the challenges that Matt has faced, and at the conclusion of our meeting, he offered a prayer and prayed specifically that the Lord would bless Matt, that a correct diagnosis would be made and that if it was the Lord's will that he might be able to retain his memory.  Aubrey called me and said Matt had an MRI today and the neurosurgeon said that some of the damage to his brain is repairing itself.  She said she has seen this happen in children, but never in an adult and she has no explanation for it.  We do.  It is the power of the priesthood exercised on our behalf through a worthy priesthood holder, and the tender mercies of our loving Heavenly Father.  We are so grateful to be here in this place doing this work.  We love you all, think of you often and you are always in our prayers.  Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lots of Music

Wow!  Is there a lot music to learn!  We have now begun in earnest learning the music for Rendevous n Old Nauvoo and Sunset By the Mississippi.  In addition, Mom is playing a tin whistle in one song in Sunset and I am playing the banjo in another.  we are getting ready for the talent show on the 21st in which we'll sing and play the banjoand guitar and also play with the "bluegrass band" that does the warm up act.  Last night they asked me to sing in a barbershop quartet for Sunset.  It is really fun to be able to be involved in so much music, if we can ever learn all of the words.  Today I go to the blacksmith shop and Mom to the Heber C. Kimball Home.  Spent our "p" day yesterday doing chores and just trying to catch-up.  really busy, but lots of good experiences!  Well we're off to preparation meeting and then to our sites!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our First Busload

Hi y;all.  We had our first busload of visitors since we have been here.  They were a group of 60 laurels and priests and their leaders from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  Their stake brings the priests and laurels every two years to tour Nauvoo.  I was in the Bakery and Dad was in the Jonathan Browning gun shop.  We both got to give several tours to these young people.  We talked to some of their leaders who came in alone.  They said many of the young people come from really challenging circumstances and are the first generation of their family in the church.  My companion in the bakery bore testimony to them of following the prophet even when he asks us to do hard things; and that we will be blessed and things will be well with us as we do that.  I'm sure that it is not easy for many of these young people to remain strong in the gospel.  They came to Rendezvous tonight and really enjoyed it.  One girl said, "Wow, those old people can really sing!"  They gave the cast a standing ovation.  Then they climbed on their bus to drive all night to get back to Louisiana sometime tomorrow.  It was really neat to have them here. 

We belong to the Brigham cast now and attended Rendezvous cast rehearsal with them this evening.  Everyone is so welcoming and glad to have us.  I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by the end of the week.  There's so much to learn and you feel pretty inadequate.  But we had choir ,and our director, who is a former choral teacher and really wonderful, had some wonderful music for us to sing which really lifted my spirits.  And then we had a fireside with Elder McMullin from the Presiding Bishopric.  Between those two things I felt a lot better.  Thank Heaven for music and general authorities!  I know that the Savior knows what I am feeling and only expects me to do the best I can and He will make up the rest.  That makes me feel a lot better.  Well, time to go to bed.  Love you all, Mom

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hard at Work

Well, just a quick note before we go to work this morning. We are now busily engaged in site work.  Mom sprent the day at the Cultural Hall yesterday and I was at the Blacksmith shop and Wainwright shop.  Made my first horseshoe.  I pitty any horse that would have to wear it.  Gave my first real tour yesterday at the Wainwright and Blacksmith shops.  Two families, one from Iowa and one part or which was from florida and the other part of which was from Washington.  Went O.K.  Even made them a horseshoe.  Best part of it all is the opportunity to bear testimony of the prophet and restoration as a part of the tour.  The spirit really touches you as you discuss these great people that lived and left here and their hard work and sacrifice.  Great experience!  We begin our rehersals for Rendovous on Sunday.  Have been going to the show every night ans singing along in the audience.  Guess we are going to get serious now.  Got a call yesterday from the Sunset Director and I guess they want to hear some banjo playing to see if they can work that into the show, so am going to connect up with one of the guitar players around here and see what I can do.  Also asked for a little bit of "Rabbit on a Log" for the talent show so I guess I'll do that also. We're off this morning, Mom to the Cultural hall and me to the Boot shop.  Love y'all.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Been Here a Week Today

We arrived in Nauvoo a week ago today.  We're pretty well settled in.  It is spring here today.  It is 10 a.m. and 55 degrees.  I have the back door open and there are so many birds singing in the backyard. I just heard one I didn't recognize and got up to look.  It was a bluejay; not the kind we have at home but the one you see in pictures; really blue with a peak (comb?) on the top of his head.  I've learned to recognize the cardinals song and we see them everyday now.  The squirrels are running all over too.  Things are waking up.  I put a bird feeder outside our window and a chickadee came to it this morning.  I told President Kirkham I would like to serve a couple of days a week with NRI (Nauvoo Restoration Inc.) weeding, and planting.  He said they are going to need people to do that soon. 

The corn bugs are thriving, especially in the upper floor of our home.  I kill at least twenty every day.  I don't know if its just the time of year or if we will always have them, or even where they're coming from.  They're easy to catch but I'm sick of them. 

Poppa is serving in the blacksmith shop today and I am going to the cultural hall.  I served in the Brigham Young Home two days this week.  I am so impressed by the faith that these people had to follow the prophet and leave their homes here to head West.  There's a line in Rendezvous (the nightly program in the Cultural Hall) that says "The Lord has provided for our rescue.  Our safety lies in the Rocky Mountains".  Joseph Smith and Brigham Young knew through revelation where to take the people so they would be safe from the mobs.  We have a living prophet today who guides us through revelation and we can be safe from the confusing and sometimes dangerous influences around us if we follow his direction.  What a blessing that is for us.  Love you all.  Be good.  We miss you.  Grandma Jann

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hi y'all!  We finally got our internet connection today.  I can hardly believe we've been here a week tomorrow.  Our home is one of the restored historic homes on the "flats"; the Winslow Farr home.  It is cozy and comfortable.  No bathroom on the main floor though.  One in the basement and one upstairs where our bedroom is. We also have a second bedroom, hint, hint.  Oh well, good exercise! The stairs to the basement are just short of being a ladder with a hand rail.  Lorin Farr, one of the founders of Ogden, is the son of Winslow Farr and Olive Hovey; so we feel like its a piece of home.  Nauvoo is beautiful even in the winter.  We have had beautiful sunsets over the Mississippi River the last two evenings.  We are attending Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo, one of the nightly productions here, every evening; sitting in the audience and singing along, trying to learn the words.  We had our "talent review", i.e. tryouts, on Wednesday and should be assigned to a cast within a week or so.  Then we'll start rehearsing with them and be on stage in about a month.  Everyone here is so welcoming.  Everyone speaks to everyone.  I think they're glad to see us come to share the work.  President Ludwig and his wife arranged for the new missionaries to go to the temple yesterday and then we went to their house last night for dessert and to get better acquainted with them.  They're great.  He converted to the church after he met her.  Dad and I served at our first sites yesterday.  Dad was at the Family Living Center and I was at the Brigham Young home.  We didn't have any visitors, but it was a good opportunity to give practice tours to the other missionary that was serving with us.  We will serve to gether on Sundays, but probably not on the other days.  There are three schedules:  9-3, 9-2:30, 11:30-5, and the split schedule is 9-11:30 and 2:30-5.  We often have different schedules also.  Dad has been asked to perform on the annual talent show on March 21st..  I think he's going to play and sing Rabbit on a Log!There is an amazing spirit at Nauvoo.  You feel how much the pioneers loved this city and their temple.  We feel priviliged to serve here.  I wish all of you could come back and see it all. 

Today was our preparation day and we went to a little town about an hour and a half away, in Iowa, called Cantrill.  There is a store there run by a Mennonite group (something like the Amish).  They have Amish style hats and Dad needed one for Rendezvous.  They had shoes, clothing, groceries, toys, gifts etc.  It was amazing.  The highway to Cantrill is an Iowa scenic byway.  It was good to "get out of Dodge."  Well, I think its time to pack it in for today.  Dad's at the Riser Boot Shop tomorrow and I'm at the Brigham Young Home again.  We'll take some pictures in our 1840's clothes and see if we can figure out how to get them on the blog.  We miss you all and love you so much.  We pray for you all the time and know that the Lord will watch over you and bless you.  So long for now.  Mom 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lincoln, Nebraska

Hi y'all.  Well we finished our stint at the MTC.  We really enjoyed it though we weren't certain we were going to!  We had classes all day and moved from room to room, with a meal every 4 hours like clockwork.  I'm sure I gained 5 lbs.  We have practised giving discussions to each other and to other companionships in our group.  We also had volunteers from outside the MTC who came in to be investigators.  One of the volunteers was a mom with an 11 year old boy.  He reminded me so much of Noah.  It made me homesick for my grandkids.  Our other volunteer asked us a lot of questions and really made us think.  We have learned a lot from Preach My Gospel, which is a really awesome resource and will continue to study it as we go.  We drove through Wyoming last night and the last 60 miles was a solid sheet of ice.  I (Mom) was driving and when we finally got to Rawlins, I could hardly stand on my feet.  My legs felt like spaghetti.  This morning the snow was blowing across the road so badly we could hardly see the road.  But once we got to Cheyenne, the clouds were gone and we had blue skies all the way to Lincoln.  Tomorrow, there is a 70% chance of snow and then it improves the farther east we go.  So we'll take it easy.  We're on the Lord's errand so we know he's aware of us and will bless us.  We're going to stop at the Mormon Trail Center (Winter Quarters) tomorrow in Omaha.  Grandpa's great grandmother, Melissa Jane Lambson was born there in 1846.  We love you all and miss you already.  They promised us at the MTC that when we stepped out of the picture, the Lord would step in.  We believe that to be true.  Be safe.  Much love, Grandma Jann and Poppa