Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hard At Work

Things are beginning to get really busy here.  We have a lot of people coming right now because it is spring break in various parts of the country.  Yesterday, I was at the Blacksmith Shop and Jann was at the Post Office. Both were busy all day with tours going constantly.  It makes it really enjoyable tomeet all these folks from all over the country.  Lots of fun, but a lot of hard work.  I am getting better at making horseshoes, but pitty any horse that would have to wear there.  we have been practicing our parts of Abigail and Peter for Rendevous.  We practice as we take our walk in the mornings.  I'm sure that if people heard us they would think we are nuts, but we're getting the part learned.  Went to the temple yesterday last evening with the rest of our cast.  Enjoyable evening with ice cream at Dotty's Cafe afterwards.  Had a rehearsal fro the talent show yesterday.  the show is Monday night and I am playing with the "Bluegrass Band ", and doing solo number on the guitar and also on the banjo.  they asked me to play th eharmonica solo in Sunset.  i haven;t played the harmonica for at least 30 years, but went over to the little music store in Keokuk and bought one and have been practicing.  The old technique is coming back.  It is amazing here, it seems that you put in to proactice everything that you have learned all your life.  The amazing part about it is that the Lord helps you so much.  things that you haven't done for years come really easily and it all just seems to come together, if you're willling to work hard and do your part.  we feel really blessed and are having a great time with all of this.  Today Mom is at the :Lucy Mack smith home and I am at the Brickyard.  these are new assignments as of this morning.  some mornings they call a reassign you with just a few minutes notice.  You just have to stay flexible and make sure you have your script notes always at the ready.  Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary-43 years.  we are going to spent it at the family living center and the log school sites and then in rehearsal for the talent show.  Not too exciting, huh?  but, the work goes on.  May try to get to dinner on our "P" day next week.  we had a general authority here this past week as a part of the annual mission training.  It was Elder Perhson of the Seventy who also spoke to us in the MTC.  More training scheduled for this weekend and dsitrict meeting also.  As a mission, we like to meet a lot.  Well, I'm off to "hack" bricks.  More later.

1 comment:

  1. Elder Brent & Sister Jann

    Happy Anniversary!

    With your talent the brass band will be so good, I think you will get a standing ovation, I will be rooting for you.
    Sounds like you two are thoroughly enjoying the hard work and learning a lot to boot.
    Have a great day.

    Cousin Judy
