Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Crossings

It was our preparation day yesterday and we went to Keosaugwa, Iowa.  There at Ely Ford is where the Saints crossed the Des Moines River as they journeyed west.  A couple of nights ago we had the night off and went to Montrose where the Saints crossed the Mississippi when they left Nauvoo.  It is a most impressive and humbling site to look back and see the temple and Nauvoo and realize that this was the view they had on that cold February day in 1846 and for several days, and for some weeks before they left for Winter Quarters.  One can only imagine how difficult it must have been for them in so many ways.  It is even more humbling for us when we realize that our ancestors were there among them going through this most difficult trial.  Whenever any of us think we have it tough, just take a minute and remember them, their commitment to the Gospel and their faith.  It is a great example to all of us and a great inspiration to me personally. 
It is our first actual performance of sunset by the Mississippi tonight we'll let everybody know how it goes.
Love ya all!

P.S. The car is just for fun.  A couple was traveling in it and we met up with them in Bentenson, Iowa.  Neat car!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Saturday, again

Hard to believe it's Saturday again!  The weeks just fly by here.  The summer schedule has started and Dad and I serve at the Visitor Center on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and every other Sunday.  We go at 7:15 a.m. and are through at 1:30 p.m.  Then we have 5 hours before we have to be to Rendezvous.  We hardly know what to do with ourselves.  We're not used to having a block of time like that.  I think I'll go to the Family History Center at the Stake Center on Tues or Thurs afternoons and see if I can identify some more relatives that lived in Nauvoo.  Then I can take their names to the Land and Records Center here in Nauvoo and get what infor they have on them, i.e. diaries, journal entries, property records, etc.  We had over 600 people in the Visitor Center today by the time we left at 1:30.  We have two shows of Rendezvous tonight and they are both full houses.  The Nauvoo Brass Band started playing in Nauvoo today.  They put them on a wagon pulled by two huge horses, (persherons or belgians, I'm not sure which) and they travel through Navuvoo, putting on mini-concerts and pre-arranged stops both in Historic Nauvoo and in the town of Nauvoo.  They are all Young Band Missionaries and are so talented.  The Young Performing Missionaries started their daytime performances today also; Just Plain Anna Amanda and High Hopes and Riverboats.  This place will hop from now on.  Hope we can last!  We hope you all are well.  We pray for you everyday and are so proud of the good people you are and all you are doing to support us.  We love you!  Mom and Dad

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fire Flies

The evenings around here are beautiful!  We began seeing fire flies night before last.  Kind of fun since we don't have those in Utah.  We bought a new camera and have been taking some pictures in the evenings after the shows are over.  There is so much to photograph around here we felt we needed to get some pictures to document our mission.  It is relaxing after very long days to watch the sun go down and capture some of the beauty of the river in the evenings.  We have one rehearsal left for Sunset and the show is coming together.  People have been attending the rehearsals.  Lots of folks are wanting to see the show.  It is amazing how the Sirit influences the performances and the people that both perform and watch them. these young performers are amazingly talented.  Us old folks do o.k. too.  We start our summer schedule today and have to have the Visitor Center open at 7:30 a.m.  We find that the days are long, but the weeks go by so fast.  Busy times.  Lots of folks and lots of opportunity to bear testimony in both the sites and the shows.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playin' Outside

We started rehearsal on the outdoor stage night beofre last.  I have never seen so many people on one stage at opne time in my life!  It is quite a show!  these young performing missionaries are really talented and full of life!  They bring some real energy to the stage.  We did two show of Renedevous last night and it appears that that is the way it will be  form now on.  Lost of people starting to come to Nauvoo and lots of tour buses. The schools are having field trips here right now, but that will end soon as school will be out.  We are asked not to bear testimony to the school children, jut give them history and many a "life lesson".  You get used to bearing testimony of the savior so it is hard when you can't.  these kids feel the spirit of this place even at that.  we're off the visitors center this mornng, got to run.

Love ya all!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Special Day

Yesterday was our preparation day.   It gave us the opportunity to go to the temple where I was able to do the temple work for my cousin Jeff.  It was a special experience for me as Jeff and I grew up like brothers.  I thank my cousins Judy and Nancy and their families for giving me the priviledge of doing Jeff's work for him.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Here's the Proof

Here are a few pictures that our friends the Gregories took while here on thier visit.  as you can see, we are really here and working in the visitor center and in rendevous in Old Nauvoo.  We are serving at the visitor center 3 days\/ week as assistant site leaders.  the young single sister missionaries are here now and we serve with them each day.  They bring a delightful addition to the mission with thier enthusiasm.  the young perfroming missionaries arrived toda, so on with the show!  We are rehearsing a lot and it is really quite fun, tiring, but fun.  Our preparation group was in charge of the farewell breakfast for the missionaries going home and we're gald that is over.  The site leader and assistant site leader end up taking on the breakfast  But it's done and now we can move on to the next thing.  We are rehearsing for a sociable to be presented by the mission choir, which we sing in.  I am also going to play a couple of guitar numbers so I am trying to get them ready.  Playing a banjo solo in Sunset by the Mississippi so will be doing that two nights a week for the summer.  Just me and the banjo and nobody or nothing else.  should be interesting?  Playing a harmonica solo also and I haven't played harmonica for at least 30 years, it will definitely be interesting.  Lots to learn!