Friday, May 6, 2011

Here's the Proof

Here are a few pictures that our friends the Gregories took while here on thier visit.  as you can see, we are really here and working in the visitor center and in rendevous in Old Nauvoo.  We are serving at the visitor center 3 days\/ week as assistant site leaders.  the young single sister missionaries are here now and we serve with them each day.  They bring a delightful addition to the mission with thier enthusiasm.  the young perfroming missionaries arrived toda, so on with the show!  We are rehearsing a lot and it is really quite fun, tiring, but fun.  Our preparation group was in charge of the farewell breakfast for the missionaries going home and we're gald that is over.  The site leader and assistant site leader end up taking on the breakfast  But it's done and now we can move on to the next thing.  We are rehearsing for a sociable to be presented by the mission choir, which we sing in.  I am also going to play a couple of guitar numbers so I am trying to get them ready.  Playing a banjo solo in Sunset by the Mississippi so will be doing that two nights a week for the summer.  Just me and the banjo and nobody or nothing else.  should be interesting?  Playing a harmonica solo also and I haven't played harmonica for at least 30 years, it will definitely be interesting.  Lots to learn!


  1. You'll be awesome dad, you always are. It's weird to finally be home and not have you here but I am proud of you guys. Love you and miss you

  2. Tiff and I love the pictures -- and so do the kids!
