Saturday, April 9, 2011

What A Beautiful Day

It is spring in the Midwest.  I'm not sure I've ever seen a lovelier day!  Temperature was 82 degrees.  The magnolia trees are absolutely remarkable.  The blooms are as big as dinner plates and the fragrance is heavenly.  We had a cast party this evening in the Pioneer Pastimes Park here in Old Nauvoo.  Afterwards Dad and I took a drive along the Mississippi with the windows down and took pictures of the sunset.  The robins are singing outside the back door now that the sun has gone down. Beautiful, beautiful day.  I wish you all could be here right now.  Here are some pictures of the trees and the sunsets.  Love ya.  Mom


  1. Gorgeous in the Midwest, we have had SNOW since Conference Sunday in Utah and it is suppose to be good starting tomorrow, did anyone say SPRING?

    Lots of love from the Stephenson Family.

  2. When I read this all I can do is smile...and wish we were there.
